quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2020

Inglês - 9º ano

SCHOOL NOVA INFÂNCIA                                                           

DATE: ___/___/___

STUDENT: ________________________________

YEAR: 9 TH                                                                                                          



Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões.

1ª) Ele é morador de que país?


2ª) Qual o esporte favorito de Alex?


3ª) Em que mês Alex comemora seu aniversário?



Caio is a happy kid. His dream is to be a football player. He lives in São Gonçalo do Amarante . He has two brothers . Caio studying in the school of the city. His father is a dentist and her mother is a teacher. His brothers studying medicine . Caio likes to go out on Saturday night with his family to eat pizza. Caio takes care of a dog he found in the street , his name is Rex. Gaius like your family.

Resolva em português:

4ª) Qual o sonho de Caio?


5ª) Quais as profissões dos pais de Caio?


6ª) Traduza a frase:

Tradução de algumas palavras:

with: com

to like: gostar

night: noite

to out: sair

his: sua

“Caio likes to go out on Saturday night with his family to eat pizza.”



Read the text below and do exercises 7 - 10

Chinese New Year

            Chinese New Year starts on the first day of the Chinese calendar, usually in February. For many families, it is a time for feasting and visiting relatives and friends, but in the heart of the city, a spectacular procession takes place. Chinese families clean their houses to rid them of last year’s bad luck before the celebrations begin.

            “My family and I visit our grandparents on New Year, and we take sticky rice cakes called Nian Gao with us. My outfit is very traditional. It is made of silk and it is very,  very beautiful.”

            Red is the main color for clothes and decorations at New Year because it associated with joy and happiness.

New York: DK Children, 1997, pp. 8-9

7ª) Segundo o texto, o novo ano dos chineses inicia-se em:

a) march                               b) april

c) february                            d) September.

e) may.

8ª) O texto aborda:

a) o novo ano dos chineses.

b) como acontece o réveillon dos americanos.

c) o modo de vida dos chineses durante todo o ano.

d) como vivem os adolescentes chineses.

e) o relacionamento entre parentes e amigos dos chineses.

9ª) Before New Year celebrations, chineses families clean their:

a) lifes.                                  b) heart.

c) bedroom.                          d) houses.

e) school.

10ª) Localize no texto a expressão em inglês “má sorte”.

a) bad luck.                          b) New Year.

c) The heart.                         d) For many.

e) My family.