sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2020

Inglês - 7º ano

DATE: _____________________
STUDENT: _________________
7º ANO


1- Write a or an:

a.This is ______English girl.
b.That is ______  American boy.
c.This is  ______  egg.
d.That is ______  table.
e.That is ______  house.
f.This is ______   orange.
g.That is ______  pen.
h.That is_______  desk.
i.That is _______  elephant.

2- Coloque um (x) nas opções que estão incorretas.
a.(    ) an egg.
b. (    ) an apple.
c. (    ) an table.
d. (    ) a elephant.
e. (    ) a house.
f. (    ) a orange.
g. (    ) an pencil.
h. (    ) an desk.

3- Escreva a ou an:

a.   ______animal
b. ______ banana
c. ______ accident
d. ______ teacher
e. ______school
f. ______ student
g. ______ girl
h. ______boy
i. ______ hour

4- Assinale a alternativa que tem a sequência correta:

a.(   )an opera, a boy, a girl,
b.(   )a opera, a evening, an arm
c.(   )an book, an house, a apple
d.(   )a book, a house, an year

5- Complete o texto com os artigos a ou an:


Sending ______ Valentine's card to ______ loved one is ______ custom that started more than ______ century ago. Couples give cards to each other, but it is also traditional to send ______ anonymous card to anyone you secretly love. This practice is particularly common in schools and can be ______ source of great amusement and embarrassment as everyone tries to work out who sent ______ card and who has ______ secret admirer! Valentine's Day symbols on cards include hearts designs, doves, and the figure of the winged angel, Cupid.

6- It’s ________ honor to meet ________ young lady from ________ Sweden.
a) a / an / an
b) an / a / a
c) a / an / a
d) an / a / …
e) a / a / a

7- Smith, _____ man you met yesterday is _____ honest man.
a) the – the
b) the – an
c) an – the
d) a – a
e) the - a

8- There is _____ excellent doctor in _____ hospital I know.

(   ) A                                            (   ) AN

9- He is _____ university student.

(   ) A                                            (   ) AN

10- We are_champions.

(   ) A                                            (   ) AN