quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2020

Inglês - 7º ano

DATE: _____________________
STUDENT: __________________
7º ANO


1. Sublinhe a opção correta. 

a) There is/are a kite in the sky.
b) There is/are four ants on the grass.
c) There is/are a sandwich in the bag.
d) There is/are six eggs in the basket.
e) There is/are eleven children in the class.
f) There is/are a flower on the table.
g) There is/are two birds in the tree
h) There is/are a chair behind you.

2. Complete the sentences using THERE IS or THERE ARE.

a) __________ a book on the bookcase.
b) __________ three students in the classroom.
c) __________ some pencils in the pencil case.
d) __________ an eraser on the desk.
e) __________ some exercises to do.

3. Write the ordinal numbers.

a) 1 st
b) 2 nd
c) 3 rd
d) 5 th
e) 10th
f) 13th
g) 19th
h) 20th
i) 23th
j) 30th

4. Complete com os estabelecimentos em Inglês.

a. S ___ H ___ O ___
b. B ___ K ___ R ___
c. C __ NEMA
d. G ___ S S ___ T ___ T ___ ON
e. L ___ B ___ A ___ Y
f. R ___ S ___ A ___ R ___ N ___
g. H ___ S ___ I ___ AL
h. S ___ PER ___ A ___ K ___ T
i. B ___ N ___

5. Indique os 3 exemplos de bakery e bank em sua cidade.

6. Indique o nome de um estabelecimento em sua cidade.

a. School:

b. Restaurant:

c. Supermarket:

d. Park:

e. Church:

f. Shopping Mall:

7. What’s your favorite place in your city? Why?

8. Transforme as frases para a forma negativa.

a. There are twelve months in a year.
b. There is a bus at 11:00.
c. There are two animals in my garage.
d. There is a pen in my bed.

9. Preencha os espaços em branco utilizando is ou are corretamente.

1. There___________a dog under the table.
2. There___________many things in the garage.
3. There___________all kinds of people in this country.
4. There___________an egg on the basket.
5. There___________two men and three women in the picture.
6. There___________a problem with the TV.
7. There___________few doctors here.

10. Formule duas (2) frases com o uso do There is / There are.