segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2020

Inglês - 7º ano

Escola _______________________________       Data:_____/_____/_____
Profº:_________________________________      Turma: 7º ano Nome:____________________________________________________

Atividade de Inglês 
Revisão para o teste

1- Leia o texto e depois circule as horas.

I usually get up early during the week. After getting up, I take a shower and have breakfast with my family. Around 7:30am, I leave home for work. I get to work about 8:45. The first thing I usually do is to check my e-mails. Then, I make some phone calls, I talk to some clients, and that kind of thing. At 1pm, I always have lunch with my workmates. After that, we all get back to work. I leave work at 5:30pm. From there, I go to the gym and then I go home. I get home around 7:30pm. On weekdays, I never go out, so I stay home and watch TV. I never have dinner. I go to bed around 11pm.

2- Responda as perguntas

A. What do you do during the week?

B. What time do you go to bed?

C. What time do you go to at school?

D. What do you do in the afternoon?

E. What do you do in the morning?

3- Qual é o horário em Inglês?

4- Indique os horários.

5- Indique os horários de sua rotina diária.

6- Escreva as horas em Inglês.
 7- 10:12

a. (  ) It’s twelve to ten
b. (  ) It’s twelve past ten
c. (  ) It’s twenty to ten

8- 7:05

a. (  ) It’s seven to five
b. (  ) It’s seven o’clock
c. (  ) It’s five past seven

9- 9:30

a. (  ) It’s Half past nine
b. (  ) It’s Nine thirteen
c. (  ) It’s Nine o'clock

10- 8:45

a. (  ) It’s a quarter to nine
b. (  ) It’s a quarter past eight
c. (  ) It’s eight twenty five