domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

Inglês 9 ano

STUDENT: _____________________________________________ DATE: ___/___/___


1- Traduza a letra da música para o Português e depois responda as questões a seguir:

Isn't She Lovely - Stevie Wonder

Isn't she lovely?
Isn't she wonderful?
Isn't she precious?
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love
We'd be making one as lovely as she
But isn';t she lovely made from love?

Isn't she pretty?
Truly the Angel's best
Boy, I'm so happy,
We have been Heaven blessed
I can't believe what God has done
Through us He's given life to one
But isn't she lovely made from love?
Isn't she lovely?…

a. Do que se trata a música?
b. Qual é o nome da música? Qual é o seu significado?
c. Quem é o autor da música? Fale sobre ele.
d. Como falamos Dia das Mães em Inglês?
e. What’s your mother’s name? Tell me about her.


2- Traduza para o Português.
a. My favorite color is this.
b. These are my dogs.
c. I want that blouse.
d. Those are my parents.
e. Paul and I love this cake.

3- Read the text below and answer the questions:

Different Books

This book here on the table is very important because it helped me learn good things - it is
calle 'The Book of Life' I don't like that book there on the desk because it doesn't have much
information - it is called 'The Magic Formula&'. 'The Book of Life' is much more comprehensive and
useful. 'The Magic Formula' seems to be unrealistic and full of mistakes - even spelling mistakes.
For me, it's obvious that these books are completely different and I think the authors have different
opinions about almost everything. It's one of those situations that makes you wonder why people

and things can be so different sometimes. But that's life.

A. Do you read books?
B. Do you have good books?
C. Do you go to libraries?
D. What do you think about books?

4- Traduza o texto a seguir para o Inglês e depois circule as palavras que trabalhamos
nessa unidade. (Caderno)

Olá, bom dia!

Eu estou no sétimo ano (antiga sexta série do ensino fundamental) e tenho um bom
conhecimento de Inglês, entretanto terei que fazer uma prova complicada que somente bons
alunos serão aprovados. A prova seria de interpretação de texto (nível fácil, médio e difícil) e


Então, eu preciso estudar muito os assuntos e os apontamentos em meu caderno de Inglês. Eu

amo estudar Inglês e ter o contato com a língua Inglesa em meu cotidiano.

5- I don';t like stubborn but I'll try to help you.
A. Grito
B. Briga
C. Teimosia
D. Aflito
6- I think you can watch sincere movies.
A. Crítico
B. Amigável
C. Fiel
D. Sicero
7- Pesquise uma letra de música em Inglês sobre o tema Mother’s Day. (Caderno)

8- Read the text below and answer the questions.
Hello, Mike!

Mike is twenty nine years old and lives in the USA. He has a car and his car is yellow. Mike is
married and has one son. His wife's name is Louise and her nickname is Lisa. They are a happy
family from the USA. Their favorite TV program is Larry King';s program, which they watch every
week. Mike and Lisa are doctors and they work at a large hospital.
Their son's name is Josh and he is seven years old. Josh loves to play soccer with his friends
from school.
Mike and Lisa decided to have another child next year and they're very happy with this. Lisa's
parents are from Alabama and Mike's parents are from Los Angeles. This year, they're going
to spend Christmas together again because it&'s a family tradition.
A. How old is Mike?
B. What color is his car?

C. Is Mike married or single?
D. What's his wife's name?
E. Do they have children?
F. Why are they going to spend Christmas together?

9- Formule 4 (quatro) frases em Inglês com o uso do Personality traits.

10- My mother is very beautiful.
A. Alta
B. Bonita
C. Magra
D. Gorda